
This little experiment is designed to get some animation on the page, basically floating dots of various size, shape and speed to create some horizontal motion. Ultimately this technique will be used on the home page, but I need a simple environment to test it out… BEHOLD! Now this is getting a little tricky. So one of the more challenging things here is getting each circle object to have it’s own animation. Continue reading about Atmosphere.

Paper JS

So this was some doing getting hooked up. Paper has its own formating/ name spacing thing (need to find out exactly what its called) and getting it going wasn’t that easy. And right now its kludged in…

Continue reading about Paper JS.

A Canvas Experiment Pt 6

This post is serves up our example screen w/ placeholder images set to the right resolution for the right screen content/media/desktopPlaceHolderTemplate.png The Main image... This Image first image in this row and is user the supplied caption yeah... This Image second image in this row and is user the supplied caption yeah... This is first image in this row and is user the supplied caption yeah... This is the second image in this row and is user the supplied caption yeah. Continue reading about A Canvas Experiment Pt 6.